To bring completeness to above examples, let us mention how LTE specifies it. In LTE, a QoS parameter called QCI
distinguishes betweens types of bearers. QCI range from 1 thru 9 (1. Conversational Voice, 2. Conversation Video or
live streaming, 3. Real time gaming, 4. Non-conversational Video or buffered streaming, 5. IMS/Network signaling,
6-9. Voice/Video over TCP/email/chat/ftp/interactive gaming). At the same time, LTE considers QCI 1 thru 4 as
bearers requiring Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR). Rest of it are considered of Non-GBR type. Refer LTE QoS or 3GPP TS
36.300:13, 23.401:4..7.3, and 23.203:6.1.7 to understand more about LTE bearer services.
Problem statement
A resource is a smallest block of medium that can be allocated. The resources are mostly arranged in grid structure
of time and frequency, e.g. DL/UL maps in 802.16 (WiMAX - Elements of 802.16-1) or PHY structure in LTE (LTE - basic PHY structure). For our analysis, we will consider resource as a "bucket" that can be allocated to a user and we will take a simplified view of "bucket queue" as below:
Fig 1.1
A bucket is supposed to be able to carry data and it can hold various kinds of data. The amount of data that can be
put in depend on kind of data. But in time, bucket size is assumed to be constant for all buckets. In wireless world,
we can think of bucket as certain frequency-time resource that would be used to carry certain number of bits (data)
depending on modulation technique (kind of data). As of now, we will not consider "kind of data" in our scheduler
design and assume that all buckets can carry only one kind of data. That means all buckets can carry same amount of
data in certain Δt time.
Next element is "service class" or "bearer class". We will take a simple case of two classes of services: one requiring
constant data rate (let's call it CR) and the other requiring variable data rate (let's call it VR). For VR, we will assume
zero minimum guaranted data rate and no bound on maximum data rate. Similarly, for CR, we will assume that
maximum rate that can be requested for a CR bearer is well below the capacity i.e. CRMAX « (amount of data in a bucket/Δt). Also, we will assume that no upper limit has been set on percentage capacity that can be allocated to a
particular bearer class. This assumption may lead to hogging of resources by certain class of bearers; we will
analyse such scnenarios later in our discussion.
We will also add third class of bearers: high priority variable rate data (let's call it HPVR). You can think of HPVR as
carrying signaling data (which of course has highest priority).
So the problem statement is to dynamically allocate buckets to users so that:
1. Number of buckets that goes unallocated which can otherwise be allocated to user over a certain duration T (» Δt)
are to be minimal - zero in ideal case.
2. Service requirements for all users are satisfied (till the extent possible) assuming aggregate requirements does
not exceed the capacity.